Meditation is an essential part of Jackie B

At its core, spiritual meditation is the mindful practice of connection to something that is greater, vaster, and deeper than the individual self.

It may seem paradoxical, but the path to that connection passes through honest self-reflection. While there are many meditation techniques that look to increase spiritual awareness, they all require an attitude of integrity and authenticity when looking at ourselves and how we view the world. Different religions practice meditation in different ways. Mindful practice isn't limited to any particular faith or belief – anyone can follow a guided spiritual meditation. The blessings of spiritual meditation have a ripple effect: as our awareness and spiritual confidence increase, so do our desire and ability to be of benefit to others.

One of the biggest obstacles I find is that people often struggle with getting in the posture of listening to God speak in silence. In a world where we have been conditioned to respond to noise, whether it’s the ding of our phones or the chime of our incoming emails, silence can be challenging. I believe meditation helps us get in the posture to hearing God and quieting outside distractions. Launching deeper requires you to open up your soul and spirit to the voice of God and I believe meditation is a valuable key to silencing your voice and amplifying the voice of God.